Noll renovates several rooms

Nicholas Trinidad, Staff Reporter

  Bishop Noll underwent several physical renovations over the summer, including the first floor student restrooms, media center, writing center, and mass media room.

  “Students will see significant changes in the media center as we are re-designing it to be tech friendly and to set it up like a college lounge,” said Noll principal Mrs. Lorenza Pastrick.

  The media center study carrels are now accessible with outlet-fitted tables, which is perfect for small group work. The mass media room received $10,000 in grant money for new camera and audio equipment, as well as lighting.

  Mrs. Pastrick believes that these changes will help faculty, staff, and students by keeping up with academic needs, new learning techniques, and bettering the school environment.  

  The hope for what these renovations will accomplish is to “create a college-like atmosphere, and provide materials for the class to be more successful,” Pastrick said.