From Blackbaud to Renweb

Daphne NUnez

  Bishop Noll’s current online school system, Blackbaud, which is is system where students can check their schedules and grades, will soon be replaced by Renweb.

   Mandated by the Diocese of Gary, all schools in the Diocese will use this system. While students might not notice a huge difference between Blackbaud and Renweb, it is going to change for teachers, administrators and parents. Some of Renweb’s features include online report cards; teachers can send progress reports at any moment to parents and guardians.

  “We can easily send very detailed progress reports to parents. We didn’t have that with BlackBaud. We could either email parents with a personalized email about their son or daughter’s grade, or we could just assume they were checking the gradebook,” says Marisa Renwald, technology coach.

Parents may also have the option of paying for school lunches and paying tuition directly on the website. Online registration will also be available and course selection may be a possibility in the future.

   “Counselors are still going to have to help with scheduling, but on the other hand it’s going to be less work for them because they won’t have to print anything out. It’s all going  to be through Renweb,” says guidance counselor, Ms. Michele Arnold. “Renweb appears much more user friendly than Blackbaud.”