Writing Club Vol. 2

Megan Martinez, Staff Reporter

Last year, a new club emerged at Bishop Noll. The Writing Club became open to all students who had any interest in writing. The club would meet twice a month during SRT in meetings that were run by students. With the exit of former sponsor Mrs. Carolyn McGuire, Ms. Mariann Daniel, English teacher, and Ms. Diane Wilson, French teacher, have taken over the position of being the faculty sponsors of the Writing Club.


“A major change is that our club have new teacher sponsors this year, Ms. Daniels and Ms. Wilson. Both are great teachers and have a lot to offer Writing Club. This year we hope that with the myriad of freshman we will gain many more members as well, though students from every grade are welcome,” says junior and Writing Club president Margaret Dominiak.


Dominiak is hoping that the club will make positive improvements, despite Mrs. McGuire leaving. “This year the other chair members and I are hoping to ease the club members into being comfortable in sharing their work with each others. Peer review is important in the writing process, and skipping over it isn’t a smart idea,” she said.


Club meetings consist of writing activities and prompts. Writing prompts will be assigned each meeting and members are encouraged to share their writing with their peers. Dominiak wants to emphasize sharing prompts more often this year. “Once members realize that no one is going to judge them for what work they compose, they should realize that it’s ok to share with others.”


As for the structure of the club, Dominiak plans to work on making things more consistent.

  “We hope to make club meetings more organized and for members to stay engaged. Instead of only having members write constantly, we want to create a more hands on experience by incorporating more activities such as binding books and creating portfolios,” she said. “Writing is something that is a constant through life, whether it’s college papers, business reports, or novels to write when you grow up to be an author. Writing isn’t something that goes away, and what better than a club that teaches students to respect and understand such an intriguing part of life?”

  The Writing Club plans to create Facebook and Instagram pages in the coming months, where members can check for updates from the club, along with poems and pieces of writing by other students.